What is DeckTuner?

  • DeckTuner is a public Discord server where Magic the Gathering players can have their decks tuned for free by experienced EDH players and deck builders. Our mission is to help players achieve the multiplayer experiences they desire and have more fun playing EDH.
  • We’re more than just a tuning service, we’re a helpful community of EDH players that engage in discussions, answer rules questions, brew decks and participate in a variety of events. Players of all experience levels are welcome.

Follow the steps below to get started!


Build It

First, enter your deck into one of the approved deck building sites so we can access your list. If you’re not sure which one to use, we recommend Archidekt.com.


Choose your play experience

“Fun” doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone. Before requesting a tune, check out our deck categories and choose what kind of multiplayer experience you want your deck tuned for.


Submit Your Deck

Now it’s time for tuning. Once you have completed the steps above, click the big DeckTuner logo to get your Discord sever invite. Accept the invite to launch Discord and follow the welcome instructions. Have fun!


Help Us Get Better

If you like what we’re doing, spread the word by telling your friends we exist and sharing our site on social media.

If you’re interested in becoming a tuner, check out our tuner application page here.